Wednesday 29 April 2015

Back on Santorini for 2015 season many changes but life continues in the same rythem

It has been a while in sharing with you my photos and words,but if I was to say I have been busy working I would be telling you a lie.My time has been taken up viewing all my places of pleasure and love of Santorini and its people ,checking out how their lives where during the winter to be informed they had a lot of rain which is not good for their crops and vines.They even had snow but not like we would have at home
As tradition it tended to be the ladies of the house who sowed the seeds of the land using back pain and hard work but always with a smile on their faces.
Meet Mr George with his new way of transporting the visitors
suitcases and very proud of it .
Here in Amudie they had been up at dawn to cook the lamb for friends and family in all they had prepared 8 so they say but for me it was like 10 in all . With a lot of food and wine followed by music and dancing to live traditional Greek music.
 We get a lot of comments about the donkeys but they are in fact mules as to how they are miss treated etc .Yes we have to remember the people used the animals in all their works of the land and now the local Santorini people have got involved in tourism due to the high demand of people who want to experience climbing the steps in the traditional means. But if their is one mule who is not well eg they will take it to the vet and worry about their health as one mule for them to buy is a lot of money.

The woven baskets of grapes of Santorini you will find all over the island  are not watered  but left to nature .So when you wonder around remember in the harvesting period time they are harvest using the Feridini knife and strong backs to spend long hours stooped over with a few breaks to have their local cheese and paksimadei left over  bread that has been baked in the oven  to become crunchy great to put in your Greek salad
The fisher men informed me life has been as usual as it is all over the world when you are a family business but still go out to fish as that is how they know life and keeping up the traditions of their ancestors 

             The famous  Paksimadei Thirasia

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