Saturday 21 December 2013

#My first winter in Oia way back in 1998

As the season of 1998 finished in Oia  it was my time to really introduce myself to the village as i had time and back then i was use to also working in the winter so i needed to find work so i went into another field of work i love helping (teaching )young children english using games .I had several children and slowly slowly i had a timetable for the week with saturday mornings bringing the children together to interact with games and you got it some goodies to encourage the use of english .

It was also my real first time of understanding as i now say to people who visit Santorini there is a top and bottom road when i lived in a house that had two exits ....Depending on the winds you chose which way to go as the winds were so strong then that would blow you away haha.Yep i got to meet more of the friends i still have even that life has changed we still try to find occasions  even if it is to smile and say hi or in a taverna sit together.It was the only year that i went home for christmas for three weeks as i had my lessons and it was not fair on the children to stay longer in my family home in Glasgow .

It is nice to have the village empty for a few months just to relax but not for too long,  i'm always asked what it is like when everyone leaves for me it is getting back to a simple lifestyle of getting up in the morning having my coffee hmm about 10am and then going to Canava which is no longer open and meeting up with friends for coffee and if at times we would have lunch their.But by about 4-5pm we would all be back in our homes for the evening .There were other times as a small community we would go to a lovely local taverna called spitidoula yes it also closed as they retired and there the menu was traditional even serving rabbit or santorini snails ( i like the sauce but not the snails ) .

On the return from Glasgow in 1999 i continued giving lessons and spending time with friends as written above and then the shop, hotel and restaurant owners started to return for the season I love that time catching up on how they had spent their winter and my own .The village slowly slowly comes a live and of course the weather has picked up wind reduces it's speed more sunny days but oops some times rain and every one prepares for easter when the buildings have been all painted all the renovations are done and the seasons start again ....To be continued

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