Friday 17 May 2013

Everytime we see a hotel our first thought is what does the owner  look like  so  Jack (George) as we know him  here  in  Oia  was very happy to be photographed. Today is overcast and not the best day for shots but this shows how proud Jack is in his hotel from the peaceful courtyard to one of the balconies looking over the caldera .
As all the apartments were full i couldn't take any indoor photos, but that is for the rights and privacy to the clients to have a lovely relaxing holiday feeling at home . 

 Please if or when you go to stay here Jack's pride and joy is showing off his flower pots a few but they are his joy as are the breathtaking  views while sitting in the morning having your breakfast or wine and cheese on a summer's evening watching the moon coming over the cliff of the caldera .

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